Artuta offers a series of online art classes, focusing on various creative techniques. With our highly interactive live online classes, art learning is no longer limited by location.
From February to June explore a multitude of art processes; including observational drawing in still life and portraiture, stop motion animation, and comics drawing. Whether you're building a portfolio or honing your artistry, our classes cater to all levels of students.
Additionally, we offerportfolio reviewsupon request. We are here to nurture students' creativity, helping them shape their unique expression. Dive into diverse art forms, refine techniques, and broaden your creative horizons with us!
New Jersey based Artist,
Game Designer
MFA in Painting & Drawing,
Pratt Institute
New York based Artist,
Painter, Photographer
MFA in Painting & Drawing,
Pratt Institute
© 2021 Planna, Inc.
Artuta Art School